I would like to advise the membership that we will be conducting a Board of Directors Election this year for one (1) position. The sitting Director has completed one term; however, is eligible for a second tenure, if they shall nominate. Voting is open to all Full and Honorary Life Members.
The club has once again appointed Michelle Wilson to undertake the role of Returning Officer for the election. Michelle has many years of experience, not only in conducting CMCA elections but also facilitating government elections. All enquiries regarding the election can be forwarded to Michelle at elections.cmca@gmail.com. If any eligible member would like to receive a Director Nomination Pack, please contact NHQ at enquiries@cmca.au and we will forward one to you. Alternatively, a pack can be accessed via the CMCA website at https://benefits.cmca.net.au/Content/election. Nominations close for the above position at 12 noon on Friday 17 May 2024.
In other news, we are proud to advise members that the club has taken over the management of the Nyngan Leisure and Caravan Park. Following unanimous Board support for the project, CMCA has executed a management agreement with the caravan park owner Bruce Maynard, who will remain the owner of the caravan park while CMCA manages the day-to-day operation and booking functions. Custodians are now on-site, and the booking system is live.
On a sober note, I was advised earlier this week that Honorary Life Members Ken Newman T9441 and Pat Mackenzie N1453 had passed away. Ken was a colourful character who was an incredibly active member in Tasmania. He volunteered at and managed many rallies during his time with the club. Pat was always a great support to her late husband Jock, who contributed a lot to the club, especially throughout the late 90s and 2000s. On behalf of the members, I would like to pass on our sincere condolences to both families.
Safe travelling
Page Last Updated: Saturday, 6 April 2024 12:09 am, Session: